Mobile : 07818 423 285 Office : 01379 687 337
Species management
In addition to whole site habitat restoration, work is also targeted for specific species management:-

Adder hibernacular
Rotovated ground
Adder hibernacular within an area of restored heathland in the Brecks Ground disturbance for silver studded blue on East Ruston Common Ground disturbance for Breckland moths
Woodlark plots
Smooth rupturewort
Inter crop row ground disturbance for woodlark habitat creation Rotovating for lapwings and woodlark habitat Area cordoned off in a quarry for smooth rupturewort management
Wetland creation for the crane
Water vole manangement
Great crested newt pond
Creation of wetland features for cranes
Dyke improvement for water vole Pond restoration and creation of hibernacular for great crested newt